Vision: Teachers are knowledgeable and creative in their approach to teaching science. Children develop an enquiring mind; they are confident to ask questions and are enthusiastic to learn. Learning is purposeful, relevant to the world around them and encourages children to make cross-curricular connections. Children are actively involved in all aspects of experimentation, which includes; planning, investigating, problem solving and reflecting. Science has a high profile and is valued across the school through; the use of high quality resources, interactive displays, educational visits and visitors. Children make good progress and can build on their learning.
Intent: Science is taught using a thematic approach when relevant. Long-term plans identify the context of the learning, whilst medium term plans and progression grids identify more detailed content and sequences of learning. Opportunities for scientific enquiry are also identified in the planning as they are central to the science curriculum, so that children gain a deeper understanding of science concepts in the context of questions they ask and answer. Pupils are taught the following types of enquiry:
- Observing changes over time
- Noticing patterns
- Grouping and classifying things (noticing similarities and differences)
- Comparative and fair testing
- Finding things out using secondary sources of information (researching)
- Modelling is not explicitly mentioned but is used.
Lessons are planned to support the development of a set of skills that pupils can use whilst carrying out different types of enquiry. Our curriculum sets out the skills we expect to see being developed in each key stage. The skills are organised under the following headings:
- Planning
- Obtaining evidence
- Analysing evidence
- Evaluating
- Implications
- Collaboration and independence
- Communication
The expectations at each year group are made visible to the pupils through differentiated success criteria and I can statements.